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Russian Federal Registry of Diabetes - in The Lancet

Дата публикации: 25 february 2021

On February 23, 2021, The Lancet published an article titled “Trends in the Incidence of Diagnosed Diabetes: A Multicountry Analysis of Aggregate Data from 22 Million Diagnoses in High-Income and Middle-Income Settings.”* 

The article examines data obtained from clinical patient registries in different countries, including from Russian Federal Registry of Diabetes, which has been maintained by Aston Health since 2011. 

In terms of the number of years of patient follow-up, the Russian Diabetes Registry ranks first globally, whereas in terms of the quality of collected data it is also among the top worldwide, including such countries as the US, Canada, Denmark and Hong Kong (China). 

The leading experts from different countries were involved in writing this article. Russia was represented by Marina Shestakova, PhD, MD, professor, Academician of RAMS, Assistant Director of Endocrinology Research Center, Director of the Institute of Diabetes, Head of Department of Diabetology and Dietetics, and Olga Vikulova, PhD, MD, associate professor, Head of Department of Epidemiology of Endocrinopathies. 

Using Registry statistics, they presented the key local trends with relation to the risks of developing diabetes in the general population of Russia. 

We are proud of the fact that our company contributed to diabetes research both locally and internationally by developing and maintaining the Federal Registry of Diabetics in this country. 


CJSC Aston Consulting, 1999-2021