Дата публикации: 12 may 2014
Introducing new reimbursement systems
As of January 1, 2014 Russia introduced a new method of payment for inpatient medical services delivered under the Compulsory Health Insurance program (OMS). A new provider payment system based upon diagnosis-related groups (DRG) will now replace the previous model wherein the reimbursement of hospitals was mainly based on per diem fees.
The OMS program is a full-scale social insurance system that covers the costs of health care for those who are enrolled if the insured becomes sick due to a covered cause. It is part of the Government Guarantees Program of Free Medical Care (GGP) which is the primary public health program in Russia. Through it, the type and volume of health services provided to the population, categories of citizens eligible for free medical care, sources and regulatory mechanisms of funding are all defined. GGP serves as a regulatory framework for the public healthcare sector in Russia.