Press room » Aston Health news » Aston Group has improved the Registry of Patient with Diabetes

Aston Group has improved the Registry of Patient with Diabetes

Publication date: 14 february 2017

The program of clinical and epidemiological monitoring of diabetes in Russia is a joint project implemented by the Endocrinology Research Center and Aston Group. Part of the program is maintain a registry of patients with diabetes.

This registry is one of the leading company projects in the area of clinical patient registries. It is the largest registry in Europe as of this moment.

The project coverage has been extending to include a larger number of health facilities. To date, 4,400 clinics and hospitals from 80 regions of Russia have been enrolled into the project.

Aston Group keeps updating the tools and processes related to registry maintenance over the last 5 years.

Presently, the IT division of Aston Group has completed the Quinta platform extension specifically for this registry. As a result, on February 11, 2017 it was placed to separate and more powerful servers that provide users with faster and more convenient handling of patient data and opportunities for report generation.



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